If you’re looking for massage therapy in Albuquerque and Rio Rancho you probably have a lot of questions about therapeutic massage. Here are some answers to massage therapy frequently asked questions.
How is massage therapy different from regular massage?
Regular massage therapy is like any other therapy where spa massage is a treat. Spa massages focus on one thing: general relaxation. Therapeutic massage is designed around the specific needs of the client. There are many potential benefits of therapeutic massage and you need a trained massage therapist to design a program that fits your needs. Here at TTC we focus on ways therapeutic massage works to address trauma and support your broader mental health therapy goals.
What are the health and wellness reasons for massage therapy?
Over 19% of Americans have had a professional massage, according to the American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA). Here are the top medical reasons that drive people to use therapeutic massage, according to a survey by AMTA.
Before you book a therapeutic massage with TTC, let our therapist know what your goals are. Are you looking for stress relief or to address a specific symptom? Our trained massage therapists will design treatment around your age, condition, special needs, and goals.
What types of massage therapy can you get at TTC?
Cranio-sacral therapy
Cupping therapy
Deep tissue massage
Healing touch
Hot stone massage
Myofascial tissue release massage
Prenatal and postnatal massage
Reflexology massage
Sports massage
Swedish massage
Thai massage
Trigger point massage
What are the proven health benefits of massage?
Various studies have documented massage therapy’s effectiveness against symptoms related to:
Back pain
Balance issues in older adults
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Chemotherapy-related nausea
Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS)
Exercise performance issues
Frozen shoulder
High blood pressure
Hospice care
Lower back pain
Lower joint replacement pain
Migraines, cluster headaches, tension headaches, or sinus headaches
Muscle tension
Neck and shoulder pain
Osteoarthritis pain
Post-surgical scar tissue (with doctor’s approval).
Postoperative pain (with doctor’s approval)
Radiating pain
Repetitive stress injuries
Rheumatoid arthritis pain
Soft tissue injuries
Sports injuries
Strains and sprains (after inflammation has gone down).
Temporomandibular joint and muscle disorder
What are the side effects and risks of massage therapy?
Massage has been practiced for thousands of years and generally has few side effects. A very few people may have temporary pain, swelling, bruising, nerve pain, or site sensitivity. If you have a known sensitivity or allergy to massage oils, tell your therapist before they begin.
If you have conditions that might be a concern such as recent surgery, skin infections, open/healing wounds, painful areas, tumors, brittle/weakened bones, or pregnancy, please consult with your physician before you try massage therapy. Although we at TTC are gentle, hard massages should be avoided by people with bleeding disorders, low platelet counts, or taking blood thinners.
Who provides massage therapy?
All TTC’s massage therapists are trained in a variety of techniques and are licensed in New Mexico. Additionally, all TTC massage therapists are an active part of a trauma-informed and multi-disciplinary team, meeting weekly to engage in treatment team consultation and planning. Here are various massage licenses and certifications:
LMT: Licensed Massage Therapist
NCTMB: Has met the credentialing requirements (including passing an exam) of the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork, for practicing therapeutic massage and bodywork.
How much does a massage cost?
Therapeutic massage at TTC costs $75 a session, which may be covered by some insurance policies.
Schedule your massage therapy at TTC here.