Six Reasons to Schedule Your Massage Therapy at TTC

Trauma Treatment Center’s therapeutic massage is different than other massage options you’ll find in Albuquerque and Rio Rancho. 

  1. More than a spa massage: TTC’s therapeutic massage is an integrative, healing professional experience, performed by a board-licensed therapist. 

  2. Soft-tissue massage: We focus on soft-tissue manipulation using varying pressures on the muscles and connective tissues.

  3. Multiple goals: The goal of therapeutic massage is to help treat a range of conditions including muscle tension, pain control, and general stress reduction. 

  4. Multiple benefits: Massage addresses anxiety and depression through the nervous system’s stress cycles. Research shows that massage lowers blood pressure while increasing blood and lymphatic circulation throughout the body, decreasing insomnia, providing feedback for body awareness, and bringing awareness to breathing patterns.

  5. Multiple modalities: Using integrative modalities, therapeutic massage decreases high levels of stress hormones that overwhelm the nervous system when experiencing anxiety or pain. Massage also provides an opportunity for the entire body to relax. 

  6. Healing mind and body: Therapeutic massage can be a supportive treatment in conjunction with mental health services because it provides numerous benefits and allows the recipient to experience decreased stress and a lasting sense of well-being.

Schedule your massage therapy at TTC here.